What is Money4Task - Money4task appears to be an internet job site that promises you to earn a huge earning potential. Individuals who join this website are guaranteed to earn a good amount of income, this isn't really the first website that offers the same income opportunity, as you can see you can probably earn thousands and thousands of dollars from this website depending on how much time you are willing to invest into it. Each members are given $25 welcome bonus and get paid $10 per link visit, this means that there is no job being offered on the site at all aside from a simple referral online tasks you needed to do and that can be done by simply promoting your own referral link to earn money.
Site Info:
- Website Name : Money4Task
- Website URL : www.money4task.com
- Business Owner : Unknown
- Business Category : Referral Program, Pay Per Click
- Pay Per Link Visit : $10
Domain Info:
- Domain Name: money4task.com
- Creation Date : January-25-2016
- Expiration Date : January-25-2017
- Registrar : ENOM, INC
Payment Processors :
- MoneyGram
- Cheque
- Paypal
Ways To Earn Money:
- Referring others
- Promoting referral links
Few Valid Reasons Why Money4Task.com is a Fake Website
1. Too good to be true - there's a lot of website out there that offers a legitimate income opportunity, this one is just too good to be true.
2. No Real Job Offer - members are promised to be hired right after completing the registration, but the truth is there is no real job offers, as promised, this website is a plain referral website a paid to click program (a fake one)
3. High minimum threshold - members would need to reach $300 before they can request for a payment and worst scenario is nobody has been been by this website just like its sister's sites.
4. No forum site - it is important for paid to click programs or referral website like this one to have a forum site as it is one factor that most people would look into as it is more easier for members to communicate with the website owner but money4task.com is just too good to be true and the owner seems hiding its real identity.
5. Members are required to take surveys - you are required to take surveys once you reach $300 to be able to get your hard earned money. but after you have completed the survey you will never get paid and the one who is making money is the website owner and not you. Money4task.com earn money from their members every time a member completed a survey or have downloaded the requested files.
6. Fake earning statistics - when you look at their website you will see an earning statistics which shows the total earnings by country or earning from person to person. Those earning statistics were just made to lure you and have you sign up to the site that never paid anybody.
7. Fake Payment Proof - when you take a look at their website there is a payment proof via cheque which is obviously a generated one to lure people and have them signup, this is how most of these fake websites tricks you.
8. Not paying - when you search on the web for payment proof from money4task,com you can never really find one as nobody has been paid by this website at all.
Final Thoughts
For those who are sincerely looking for a legitimate website to earn money, you better avoid money4tasks.com as it is one of the most popular fake internet job site where you are being fooled while the owner is making money from you. if you are really looking for a legitimate website to earn money then REGISTER HERE
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